MediaEval 2016 Travel Support

A limited number of travel grants are available to support travel of outstanding student participants to the workshop. Researchers who have recently defended their PhDs also come into consideration.

The grants will provide enough money to cover workshop registration and two nights of accommodation. We hope to be able to offer a bit more for students with long distances to travel, but at the moment, it is not clear if we will be able to do so.

In order to apply for a travel grant, you are asked to submit the first page of your working notes paper in draft, i.e., whatever you can write at this moment before you have actually completed your runs or received your results. This includes the motivation for your intended approach (including the specific research questions that your are investigating), the discussion of the related work, and a description of your intended approach.

The applications will be judged by a committee of MediaEval organizers, including the organizers of the task(s) in which the applicant is participating.

Applications should be sent by email to Martha Larson m.a.larson (at) with a cc to mohammad.soleymani (at) Please submit your application by 15 August 2016.

Please use the subject line "MediaEval 2016 Workshop Travel Support Application" Students should include the name and email address of their academic advisor (i.e., supervisor) in their application email.

If you miss the deadline, and you are coming from within Europe, and your nationality or visa status already permits them to travel to the Netherlands please contact us to inquire about whether we can admit late applications.

The first page of the working notes papers are judged by the following criteria:

  • Description of the algorithm and its motivation. Does it reflect an understanding of the underlying challenges of the task?
  • Grounding in related work. Have the references been well selected? Is anything critical missing?
  • Focus on the essentials. Does the paper stay on topic or does it include extraneous information?

Note that these are the points that contribute to writing a high quality working notes paper. Effectively, it should take you a limited amount of extra time to apply for travel support, since you would be writing a working notes paper (taking these points into consideration) independently of whether or not you apply for travel support.

Note also that if it becomes necessary to make changes in the description of your approach before the final working notes paper submission that will be allowed as long as you have some substantive reason for needing to do so.

If your grant application should be accepted we will also ask your adviser to send a 2-3 sentence message in support of your application. If you would like to ask your adviser to do this already at the time of application, that is also fine.