MediaEval 2014 Workshop Preparation

The submission system for MediaEval 2014 Working Notes papers is now open at:
For most tasks, the submission deadline is 28 September 2014, however, for some tasks it is a bit earlier. Please check the information posted on the individual task pages, cf.

Your task organizers will also be in communication with you to give you information about your presentation at the workshop. As last year, there will be a variety of different kinds of presentations, including conventional presentations, lightening talks, and posters.

If for some reason you are unable to attend the workshop, please let your task organizers know as soon as possible. You probably already know who your task organizers are, but you can also always look up their names on the task pages, cf.

Further information about workshop logistics (e.g., venue and travel) is available on the MediaEval 2014 Workshop Registration website. Click the “Register” link on the left in order to register for the workshop. Please register by October 4, 2014 (after that point, registration is still possible, but a “late fee” will be imposed).